Sophomore Day Friday April 11

Parents of Sophomores,
Your adolescent has been given a permission slip for Sophomore Day on Friday, April 11. Please sign this form and have your son or daughter sign it and return it as soon as possible. Sophomore Day is a tradition that started over a decade ago. Tenth graders at Steller go to a facility away from school and listen to presentations on sexuality topics. This year Sophomore Day will be at the Access Alaska building in Fairview. I encourage parents who have any questions or concerns to please contact me. I will be happy to provide information about the presentations and the speakers. My direct line is 742-4963.
Request for assistance:
We will have a pizza lunch at the facility, courtesy of the Parent Group. If there is a parent who would like to pick up the food and bring it to Access Alaska that would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me for details. Thank you for your assistance in getting the permission slips returned to me.
Nurse Anne