Former Steller alumni, Crystal Worl, will be here at lunch on Friday at lunch to talk about the Institute of American Arts Summer Bridge Program.
Open to all junior and senior students wanting to expand their artistic passions – June 29-July 18, 2014
High school juniors and seniors will spend three weeks on the beautiful campus of the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico for a creative summer bridge program. In addition to creative classes, such as poetry and art, students will be able to advance their skills in Math and English. They will be engaged in field experiences to nearby galleries, museums, and Native communities, such as Pueblo Feast Days. Students will participate in hands-on workshops to build college readiness. They will each receive three college credits to begin their college transcripts.
Stipends for travel may be available for Alaska students.
See the Summer Bridge Program Poster for more information, and be sure to come to the lunch meeting on Friday!