AG Announcements – 1/21/14

GOT TECH?   In February, Anchorage is hosting the annual conference for the Alaska Society of Technology and Education, the biggest convergence of technology and education in the state.  In addition to promoting the latest technology, software and gizmos, it’s a meeting-place for teachers and students, as well as a networking zone.  This is the place for the tech-savvy to explore.

The theme this year is “Nature, Learning and Technology” and takes place February 22-25 at the Captain Cook Hotel. Check out the website for more information (, and ask Chris in the Art Room if you’d like to be a part of the “Art, Nature and Tech” Room, too. Students are welcome!

There will be an Italy intensive meeting Monday January 27th at 12:00 in Svetlana’s portable.

If you are interested in traveling to New York City and Washington D.C. next fall during Intensives, talk to Leigh Anne about how to register. Also remind your parents that there will be a parent informational meeting on Wednesday at 6:00pm. If you are hoping to apply for a travel scholarship for the trip, the deadline will be on February 7th. Travel scholarship applications are in the office or you can pick one up from Leigh Anne.

There is a senior class meeting at noon today in Ken’s room to finalize plans for the winter prom.

The Model United Nations teams will meet this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room. This meeting is mandatory for participants.

Next Event: Under 21 Open Mic
Friday, January 31, 5:30-7:30pm
Middle Way Cafe, 1200 Northern Lights Blvd
(Between REI and Title Wave Books)

It’s time again for another open mic for the under 21 crowd. Bring your instrument, relax, and get some stage chops with a very friendly audience.  Our wonderful sponsors at the Middle Way Cafe even stay open a little extra for this event. Don’t hesitate to send questions or let us know you’re planning on playing:

The last test out for LPF this year will be April 22. You must pass a run through with Troy before you can go. If you have questions please see Troy.

If you have time you can talk to your AG about your Olympic events.