Steller Student Lounge Upgrade meeting Nov. 6

At the All Community Meeting on October 10, 2013, a small group of interested community members met to explore the possibility of upgrading and refreshing the Steller Student Lounge, the heart of our school and visitors’ first impression as they enter the school. This is an all-community effort and the committee welcomes students of all grades, parents, and teachers to our meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 6 pm, when a parent volunteer (who is an architect) unveils a conceptual sketch for committee consideration. There is alot of work that will need to be done to make this effort happen and there are spots on subcommittees for interested people who want to work hard to improve the lounge, including subcommittees to look at ways to incorporate art and music, fundraising, on-site work, etc If you would like more information, you may talk with Cody (chairperson), Marla or Chris (Art), or Annie (Music).