Ole Steller Yeller – November/December 2008

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. 
Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Steller epitomizes the term, “Home School” for me.  It is a home school because more than any school I have worked in Steller belongs to the community, students and staff.  As I walk around in the building I see students sitting and talking with each other- everyday, all day I see parents coming and going asking questions, volunteering, participating in the educational process.  They participate as teachers in some instances but always as concerned community members.  Steller encourages transparency and accountability right down to its core.

Transparency and accountability are two major factors that drive the success rate of a school in a positive direction.  The Anchorage School District recognizes this fact and has provided the tools necessary for community members, and staff to rate its members.  You will find detailed information here.

I encourage you to participate in this process, your comments will serve as a catalyst to our improvement.


Students have taken the survey for their choices for intensives, they have submitted intents for the intensive class offering they would most like to take and or now they are in the process of enrolling into their choices.  It seems that we have quite a few students that have not signed up for any of the offerings at this time.  Parents please discuss the advantages of intensives as you enjoy daily conversations with your child.  Encourage them to sign up for one of the current offerings in a timely manner.  We really need your support in this effort.

Course descriptions for the intensives have been posted on the website and at school.  Please review those options with your child and together you can select the best choice for your child.

I realize that at this time we all are facing hardships with the economy in such disarray, gas prices still around $3.00 a gallon, food prices soaring and on it goes.  However, I count each day that I awaken a good one.  Each day holds the potential to transform our lives in many serendipitous ways.  And, for these reasons I hope you all have a glorious Thanksgiving.

–Harlod Green