AG Group Notes for 9/4

AG Announcements—9/04/13

Discuss this year’s orientation. Some discussion questions include:

-What do you like the most?

-What did you like the least?

-What would you change?

-Do you find orientation to be a beneficial way to start the year?

Advisors will bring your feedback back to today’s staff meeting.

2nd AG Discussion. Souper Steller

-Do you want to continue to support Souper Steller?  Meaning you are, as an advisory group, willing to help run a Soup Friday?

Advisors will also bring your feedback back to today’s staff meeting.

***Picture Day is the 6th.***

Seniors are hosting a sweatshirt design contest that is open to anyone that wants to design a senior class of 2014 sweatshirt. They want their class year on it, all their names on the back, and an image that is either tied to Steller or Alaska.

If you are a club, advisory group, or class and are hoping to host a dance this year there are dance proposal forms in the office that need to filled out and presented to Op Group on Thursdays at lunch.

Rosa is planning a meeting for students that are interested in forming a rock-climbing club here at Steller. The meeting is today during lunch in Rosa’s room. The meeting is to see how much interest there is and start working out the logistics for becoming a formal club.

The Hunger Games, Catcher in the Rye, The Kite Runner, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Brave New World… Every year, there are hundreds of attempts to remove books from schools and libraries. Banned Books Week is a national, annual event celebrating the freedom to read and highlighting the value of free and open access to information. Celebrate YOUR freedom to read during Banned Books Week by participating in the Banned Books Reading at the Loussac Library on Wednesday, September 25th. Students will read a short excerpt from a favorite banned or challenged book. Students interested in participating should attend a brief informational meeting today at noon in Danielle’s room.

 Junior class meeting on Wednesday at 12:00 in Leigh Anne’s room. We will review your list of possible activities for the year and decide which ones to focus on.

The first meeting of the Steller Wednesday ART CLUB will be this Wednesday in the ART ROOM at 2:15 – 3:30. Meet after school and start off with a group project. We’ll go from there. All are welcome.

Are you interested in designing paper fashion art?  20 teams of students (district-wide) from grades 9-12 can enter a really fun Pupil+Paper Contest. Prizes include Scholarship money. Space is filling up so see Chris at lunch TODAY if you want to be included.

ISchool Students – open the ISchool Homepage today, Tuesday, September 3rd and follow the instructions for logging into your class. If you have any questions see John ASAP.

Students interested in learning about the service intensive to Nicaragua in May should plan to attend a meeting this Friday at noon in Ken’s room. We’ll have updated information on the costs of airfare and the itinerary as well as answers to any other questions you may have. If you are looking to combine a real cultural experience with a the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, this is the trip for you. Even if you’re just curious, please plan to come and hear more.

ACT & SAT Registration is beginning at this very moment…if you are planning to take a test that is happening in the next couple of months you need to register very soon to avoid late fees. If you have any questions about the test(s) and/or registration see John.

Sophomores and Juniors: PSAT Registration will begin in the next couple of weeks; be listening and looking for more information.

Heads up, artists of Steller! Yearbook is hosting an awesome new design contest, where your artwork can be used as the cover of this school year’s yearbook. If you are a Steller student with a talent for art, take part in this great opportunity. Voting will be done by the yearbook staff, and if your cover is chosen you will receive a FREE copy of next year’s finished yearbook, complete with your winning cover art. If you are serious about creating original artwork for all of the Steller community to see, please contact Svetlana about further details.

 9th grade meeting at lunch in Ashley’s room today. Please be there at 12:00. It will be brief!

YWCA Alaska Volunteer Opportunities

Girls Circle Teen Facilitator: Girls Circles are a place for girls to unite, build confidence and express themselves. Teen Facilitators co-facilitate (with an adult facilitator) a Girls Circle at North Star Elementary once a week for 2 hours during the fall semester. Needed: 1 female volunteer. Must attend Facilitator Training on September 21st from 9am-2pm. Deadline to apply: Friday, September 7th

Boys Council Teen Facilitator: Boys council is a place for boys to untie, build confidence and learn from healthy role models. Teen Facilitators co-facilitate (with an adult facilitator) a Boys Council at North Star Elementary once a week for 2 hours during the fall semester. Needed: 1 male volunteer. Must attend Facilitator Training on September 21st from 9am-2pm. Deadline to apply: Friday, September 7th

Multicultural Female Leadership Conference (MFLC) Planning Committee:  MFLC is an annual conference held in November for diverse middle school girls designed to empower, educate, inspire, and create future leaders. The planning committee would assist the Youth Empowerment Coordinator in selecting a theme for the conference, brainstorming workshop ideas, and leading activities on the day of the event. The planning committee will meet 4 times in October and will attend the event on November 11th. Needed: 4-5 energetic volunteers! Deadline to apply: September 27th

Women of Achievement volunteers: The Women of Achievement event celebrates significant achievements women in our community have made. The event will be held December 5th at the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts and includes a very popular Purse Auction. Needed: 10-15 volunteers for coat check, and event take-down. Sign up by Friday November 1st

Office Policies for Paying Fees and Fines

  1. You must have exact payment amount as the office does not make change.
  2. Fines for dances must be paid at least 24 hours prior to the dance for processing.
  3. Payment days and hours will be as follows:

Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays,

7:30a – 8:30a, 11:45a – 12:40p, 2:05p – 3:30p

We only accept cash or checks. We do not accept credit cards.