Advisory Board Representatives and Parent Group Co-Chair Needed

imgresAre you interested in representing parents on Steller’s Advisory Board?

Or how about joining our fabulous Parent Group Chairperson, Jennifer Hall Jones, as her Co-chair?

Have you always wanted to organize a school auction/fundraiser?

Parent Group needs you!  

Parent Group is looking for parents who would like to get involved with these two organizations this year.  The next parent group meeting is next Wednesday, September 4, 6:00pm in Ken’s room.  We will be holding elections and talking about our long and short term goals for this year.  We encourage all parents to come and get involved, even if you’re not ready to take on a leadership position.  We need your energy and input!

To learn more about Parent Group and Advisory Board you can peruse the Steller Bylaws HERE.

If you would still like more information or to let us know that you are interested in being an Ad Board representative or Parent Group co-chair please contact Jennifer Hall Jones or Rebecca Johnson  We are looking forward to an exciting year at Steller.  Come join us!