Parent Group Meeting Minutes for March 2013

Steller Parent Group Meeting Notes

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Attending: John Stahl, Irina Morozova, Colleen Bickford, Sherry Borer, Anne McCarron, Dale Evern, Victoria Weidel, Rebecca Johnson, Wendy Woolf, Ken Varee, Haleigh Brannon, Michelle Brannon, Sharon Holland, Wright Franklin, Rochelle Wilhelm, Patti Randlett,   H.  Kai Holland, Rebecca Marin, Dorothy Pickles, Jennifer Hall Jones,

February Meeting Minutes approved; no changes to the agenda.

Old Business

Ice Cream Social – Jennifer Hall Jones acknowledged the Ice Cream Social was a smashing success. Dale commented that our students were well-prepared and very good representatives; tours were well done. Ken mentioned there was no advertisement on KSKA, but good outreach to alternative schools.  Take away – next year, start even earlier with feeder schools.

Donation to Glavinic Family – unanimous agreement to donate $400 to Glavinic Family to help with medical expenses.  Money to come from the Sunshine Fund and Special Projects to cover what the Sunshine can’t.

Transition to treasurer – Jennifer welcomed Sherry Borer as new Treasurer and reported that Heidi Smith is no longer available to help with the audit for the new treasurer, so she solicited ideas from the group for obtaining an Audit for benefit of our new treasurer.  Wendy suggested we go through parent volunteer list first and everyone agreed.  Goal is to have the audit done by the beginning of next school year.

Website/Flash Update – Rebecca reported the Steller Flash is now back up and running; Susan Mitchell (and her sister who lives out of state) helped with clean up, installation of new security measures, and recommended that we hire someone to help with technical issues.  Dale asked about classes to train others on how to perform this work.  A question came up about who can post on the Flash Website and Rebecca indicated that there are multiple individuals who have access, including Elizabeth Wood who is leaving.  Dale reminded us that there is a potential mandated alignment of school websites – which would be more limiting for us.

Follow up to proposal to Ad Board about moving to 2 All Community Meetings (ACM) Rochelle re proposal to Ad Board – the kids were in favor! Rochelle also noted that our By-laws still call for 1 ACM per semester, however because the election of parent representatives is held in the Fall we might need to do the elections or at least nominations in the Spring to accommodate the need  to have time to develop relevant and thoughtful goals for the Fall ACM.  General suggestions were raised: Ad Board should be the lead on ACM’s with Parent Group happy to assist; need to come with ideas to the ACM, not develop them during the ACM; Parent Group could provide an outline for mock ACM; Create a subcommittee to give ideas to Ad Board and students could discuss this at Ad Board; need to get agendas out ahead of time so people are informed; kids need to help lead the ACM focus with parents helping to do event planning; It was noted that all 3 groups – parents, students, faculty – are represented on Ad Board, but currently poor attendance is systemic.

By-Laws Revision – Jennifer explained that we needed to change the wording in the current by-laws that were last revised in 2008 – they don’t reflect today’s practice.  Wendy Woolf moved that we take draft revisions to Ad Board to solicit their input before finalizing in our April meeting. Rebecca Martin seconded motion, motion passed.

New Business

Steller Gear Funding for Coalition of Essential Schools – Rochelle gave a report on T-shirt Fundraiser for CES; Rebecca Martin proposed we forward-fund $1300 – 1500 for merchandise; Parent Group would fund up front cost; we don’t know actual cost of merchandise; proceeds would go to Coalition of Essential School; also a suggestion that we make a grant to CES, but need to hear all proposals first.

  • Proposal 1 – Wright Franklin – requesting up to $600 for passages for music and recording equipment that he would use for his passages project and then give the equipment to Steller.  Equipment to include a dynamic microphone, stand, audio interface, and MAC book with software for recording.  Dale thought we could use for lending purposes to students for their use on various musical projects and it could be used in music intensive planned next year.
  • Proposal 2 – Anne McCarron requesting up to $300 to feed ~ 80 kids who will spend one day at the BP Energy Center, for ‘Sophomore Day’ – mandatory one day of learning on topics including aspects of healthy relationships, sexuality, and gender issues.
  • Proposal 3 – John Stahl – requested up to $600 to acquire new devices and materials for ACT & SAT scoring programs and analysis (Book – Paying for College; Annual subscription to Western Association of College Counselors; Membership to National Association of Colleges).  Rebecca Martin thought we might have supported counselling earlier this year and would go back and check; Wendy suggested that John bring back a cost breakdown and he agreed to do that.
  • Proposal 4 – Rebecca Martin requested $90 to reimburse Mary Shallart/pianist.
  • Proposal 5 -Dale had 3 requests:  1) $150 to purchase Costco pizzas for next ACM; 2) $750 to feed about 350 people on Activity Day the last week of school, cost includes portables.  Since Op Group gets $$ from the vending machines, Jennifer suggested we split this one with OP Group.

At 7:35PM, Dorothy motioned that we push on until 8:00PM; motion approved.

  • Dale’s #3) requested $1800 to purchase 18 i-PAD covers, for the new equipment purchased for teachers.

Wendy offered motions to approve: Wright Franklin $600, $300 for Sophomore Day, $90 for pianist, and $150 for pizza for next ACM – motions unanimously approved. Dale withdrew his $1800 request for now. Rebecca made a motion to loan CES $2000 for t-shirts and a grant for $1000, which was amended after discussion – only $1000 grant was approved.  See below.


Unallocated funds for Parent Group as of March 6, 2013

Balance:                                     $14,650

Travel Scholarships                         – 5,000

Peer Taught Passages            -2,000

CES                                                -2,000

Balance to give:                        $5,650

Cushion                                    -1,800

Left to Allocate :                        $3,850

-    540 (300 Sophomore Day +150 pizza + 90 pianist)

$ 3,310

-    375 (Activity Day in May 2013)

$2, 935 available to give for special projects/general fund monies.  This amount is subject to change pending review of accounts by treasurer.

From the CES fund we allocated:

-  $1,000 CES grant/loan to help buy t-shirts upfront(leaving $1,000, as we budgeted $2,000 in Jan. 2013)

From Peer Taught and Passages fund we allocated

-     $600 (Franklin Wright musical equipment) (leaving $1,400 as we budgeted $2,000 in Jan. 2013):


Scheduling orientation and auction for 2013-14 school year discussion – tabled by Jennifer.

Reports – Dale reported on efforts with Mike Henry to inventory /replace with new equipment; attendance call process is working well.  Selling DVD’s from Talent Show for $20 (thanks to Galen Eggelston) “Memories for Life.”

Dorothy moved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.