Announcements in Advisory Group this Week

AG Announcements – 9/24/12

 There will be a mandatory 9th grade class meeting tomorrow at lunch in Danielle’s room. Pizza will be provided!

Make-up Picture Day, this Friday, September 28th.  During lunch time only (11:45am – 12:40pm) in the MPR.  Order forms are in the office.

Progress Grades for the 1st quarter are now on Zangle Student Connect.  If you have questions on how to login or need your password see the office.

A reminder that the All Community Meeting is this Thursday, at 6:30 this is a meeting for students, parents, and staff.  This meeting only happens 3 times a year and helps in deciding the direction of the school.  If you want to be part of the process you need to attend, otherwise others will make the decisions for you.  Also remember if you attend the meeting you can have a one-day extension on your homework (you must ask your teacher for this BEFORE the meeting).

Nurse Anne would like all the 7th and 11th graders to see her for height, weight, vision and hearing screenings. She would prefer that you come on your own, before school, during lunch or after school so she does nothave to pull you out of class. You can come during class time, especially Study Skills or P.E.classes if it is not a real busy day and your teacher excuses you.

There are also going to be free flu mist vaccinations for students Friday, October 5th. There is an announcement on the Flash with the consent form. Nurse Anne must have the completed consent form to

Administer the vaccination and she needs it the day before so she knows how many dosages to pick up.

Another request from Nurse Anne – please complete the drug information assessment form which will be distributed during AG. She would like to determine your information needs for Red Ribbon Week. She is in theprocess of inviting speakers who have a variety of expertise in drugs and shewants to make certain they address your biggest informational needs.

There is a place at the bottom of the form for specific questions and/or to request additional areas of information not listed. The speakers are tentatively scheduled to talk Wednesday, October 17 immediately after school.

Congratulations to Steller Senior Rachel Roelle who is this year’s Cook Inlet Conference female Cross Country Champion. She blew away her competition!  Please congratulate Rachel when you see her and come support her this Saturday at Bartlett High School where she will compete in the state championships.

There is a parent/student meeting for Bob’s Oregon Shakespeare Festival travel intensive Wednesday night at 6pm in Bob’s room

Scholarship Seach – everything you need to know: how to get started, where to look, when to start, etc;  John will be in the New Computer Lab at lunch on Wednesday to shed light on the information you need to help fund your future education.