Advisory Group Notes

Please identify students who plan on testing out of LPF. The test out dates are Nov. 3rd, January 12th, and April 23rd. Any student wishing to test out must first do a run through with me. The first run through will be Oct 31st at 2:15 in the gym.

If you have students with 2 K waivers they only need to do the written. Have them see me as soon as they have their 2 k waivers.

Reminder to students: please sign in when you arrive to school late or after an appt.  Also please sign out when you are leaving for a scheduled appt and then making sure to sign back in when you come back to school.  Please remember that these absences are not excused unless your parent – (1) signs you out, (2) calls the office, (3) writes a note

Book Fine Procedure
Reminder -  any student on the fine list will not be able to attend the school dances until the fine is cleared.  This includes any previous Steller students that are invited as a guest and any fines a current student owes to a previous school.
The current fine list is in the office if you would like to check for your name.  Any disputes that a book has already been returned must be worked out with the teacher who reported the book fine.
To clear a fine you have several options:
1. Return the book to the office
2. Have teacher confirm with the office book was returned
3. Pay the fine
4. Replace the book by ordering online

Bike left in airlock on 8/22/12.  See the office to identify and claim.

This year is the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week, and the theme is “30 years of Liberating Literature.” Students interested in participating in a Banned Books read-out, please give your name to Danielle. If there is enough interest, we will schedule a reading during the first week of October. In keeping with the spirit of community and volunteerism, we may hold our read-out at the Anchorage Senior Center.

10th grade class meeting on Tuesday in Leigh Anne’s room at noon.  We did not get the September dance, so need to come up with another fundraiser we can focus on this fall.

All students sailing with Leigh Anne during December’s Intensive need to come to our first meet of the school year in Leigh Anne’s room on Wednesday at noon.

Students who are interested in doing a mural SDL and would like to do one in Lee’s room see Lee.

IF anyone is interested in a self-defense and sport jiujitsu 7th hour club please see Philip and let him know that you are interested. The class would put into practice proper techniques for self-defense as taught by Rener and Rorion Gracie through the “bully proof” program. These techniques will also be applied to the realm of sport jiujitsu. The club would meet twice a week after school. If you have any questions or are interested please see Philip.

7th hour hw lab will officially start tomorrow.  If you have a contract to attend the lab make sure you are in Jen’s room by 2:15pm to avoid an email home.  Also if you are interested in attending this lab please see Jen for more information.

Please discuss in your AG today what it means to maintain a strong, healthy community and what types of behaviors enhance community and detract from it.

Also discuss what you thought of orientation.  All feedback will be taken back to staff on op group to see if any changes need to be made for next year’s orientation.