Thanks to Our Great Community

Thanks to all the fabulous volunteers who made our Back to School BBQ such a success!

Parent Group would especially like to thank Jennifer Hall-Jones, Rochelle Wilhem,  and our fabulous Grill-Meisters Robert Duckett and Ted Hawley who came early and finished late.

Thanks to:  Kevin Madsen, Rebecca Martin, Beth Burdette, Tina, Tristan and Emrys Sammons, Teresa Zimmer, Alyse Galvin, Melissa Johnson, Amy Zimmerman, Heidi Smith, Leslie Adams, Wendy Woolf, Becky Harrison-Drake, Richard Drake, Stephanie Oja, Jan Bronson, Dorothy Pickles (and her husband), Ibyeria Lorenz, Brian Lax, Mark Thorndike, Joe Banta, Bryan Herczeg, and all of the students who dropped by the kitchen and asked if they could help.  You are all awesome!  Forgive us if we have missed some of your names and please know that you are greatly appreciated.

New To Steller Orientation Was A HOMERUN!!

We hit it out of the park with 149 participants this year!  If you missed it, read below and we will try to help you catch up and feel ‘in the game’.

We covered all the bases:

  •  “Nuts and Bolts” of Steller from Rebecca Johnson; Click here for the webpage.
  •  The Steller process- Student artistically presented how an Idea Becomes Reality
  •  Became familiar with other new families and experienced parents and students in their student’s advisory and some staff
  •  Steller lingo (here)
  •  Ways parents can engage in activities already happening at Steller, or think of new ways that better fit their gifts.  More info here.

Thanks to ALL who attended.  Special appreciation goes to parents and students who helped with the planning and day of event activities:  Rochelle, Lorryn, Eliza, Meg, Seth, Chad, Darwin, Jordan, Rebecca, Rebecca, Mark, Cathy, Ellen, Jennifer, Emily, Brian, Tziporah, Michelle, Hayleigh, Mike, Dale, Pat, Victoria, Glen, Corbin, Wendy, Alyse

If you are new and still feel ‘out in left field’?  No problem, feel free to call or email Rebecca, or Alyse or 884-2299

More Kudos:

 Wasn’t it nice to be warmly greeted and have a sense of organization at registration?

Hundreds of families preregistered for school smoothly thanks to the help of many volunteers:

Jordan Martin, Jennifer Hall-Jones, Cindy Ryan , Kendra Robbins, Renee Evans, Sandy Camery, Kami Hutchins , Jimmie Froehlich, Brenda Wimmett, Victoria Weindel, Emily Weindel , Rebecca Johnson, Rebecca Martin. Lauren Holzinger

Student Orientation Volunteer Day Organizer:

Let’s hear it for parent Victoria Weindel, who spent many many hours volunteer to work with staff and coordinate with MANY non-profit organizations to line up presentations and trainings! Because of her dedication, many Steller students are better connected to opportunities to share their time and talent in the community.

If you are wondering where you might make a difference in the community or help Victoria help students, email Victoria or go to facebook