Blood Drive – February 17th

Parents and Students,


Steller is hosting a blood drive on February 17th from 12 pm until 5 pm in the gym. This is a no school day for students, however, students who don’t mind coming to school for a short while on that day can donate with parental consent (see attachment). Students must be at least 16 years old and weight a minimum of 113 pounds. Of course, 18 year olds do not need a parental consent. Parents, if you work close by, you could come by at lunchtime or leave work a little early.  All donors will be asked to fill out a questionnaire before the blood draw. The procedure itself should not take anymore than 15 to 20 minutes. You will be given a snack afterward and then can be on your way.
The Blood Bank needs at least 18 people to make the drive worth their time.  If you and/or your adolescent, spouse, friend, neighbor, etc., is interested, please call (742-4963) and let me know what time. We will try to schedule the times so that you will not have to wait and so that we can make the best use of the  blood bank staff’s time.  You can call me anytime during the school day or leave a message on my voicemail after hours. I will return your call. Mitchell will take your calls in the main office as well (742-4950).
Please spread the world. Since the parent-teacher conferences were changed to the end of the year, there just seemed to be too much going on to do it at that time. I did not want to disappoint the blood bank people and cancel the drive, so we will do our best to meet their quota on the 17th. Thank you for your help with this.


Nurse Anne
Steller Secondary School Nurse