Meeting Changes

Changes of Scheduled Meetings

The AD Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 2 is cancelled as it is finals week.  AD Board will next meet on Thursday, January 13 at 7:00.  Please forward any agenda items to co-chair, Elizabeth Grover <>.

The Parent Group meeting scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 2 will move to Wednesday, December 1, 6:00 pm in Ken’s room.  Please forward any agenda items to co-chair, Joe Banta <>.

December Staff Appreciation Luncheon

is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 1, due to Intensives the following two weeks.  The December luncheon is sponsored by the parents of Ken’s & Leigh Anne’s advisory groups. If you are a parent in either group who can provide a dish or help with the luncheon, please contact their parent liaison or Rochelle Wilhelm <>.