Commitments are needed for the 11th grade overnight camping trip on August 22, 2016:
Who: Steller 11th grade class
When: Leave Steller Monday August 22nd at 11:30am return to Steller Tuesday August 23rd at 12:30pm
Where: Crow Creek Mine (in Girdwood)
Cost: $35 (includes food, camp fees and gold panning) or $42 (if we also rent the covered pavilion–planning committee will decide later this week) please don’t hold your kiddo back if the cost is a burden–contact me (907-360-9850) or Reed (907-742-4950) directly.
We need:
*Â Â Parent drivers with seats for 35-45 students (have 21.5) –its possible we may be able to get a bus but right now the day won’t happen without committed carpool drivers.
*  Chaperones. Need 6-10 (have 2–maybe 3) Split between the following activities:
–gold pan
–cook/serve meals
*  Volunteers not sure how many needed (have none). (may, but don’t have to go on trip):
–shop for and pack up food–lists & money will be provided.
–organize gear and food into a trailer.
*Â Â Donors (may, but don’t have to go on trip):
–tent space. Need 55 just in case (have 46)
–sleeping bags if you have them–kids can bring regular bedding too.
–waterproof tarps
–other things I have not yet thought of…I’ll keep you posted!
An email was sent earlier but have only received 16 responses. If you did not respond before or your ability to help has changed please follow the link to, and fill out this  Response Form
We really need everyone to respond by filling out the form. Please be sure to provide an updated email address. Thank you!