1. HELP! 10th Grade Orientation Drivers Needed: The 10th grade class is a couple of drivers short for our Portage camping trip. We will be leaving Steller on Tuesday, August 21st and driving to Williwaw campground at Portage. We will be returning to Steller the next day, getting picked up 10:30. Please email Leigh Anne at bonney_leigh@asdk12.org if you can drive.
2. Permission Slips: Attached is the student permission slip and gear list. Each student needs to bring their permission slip to registration on Monday.
3. Class meeting on the 20th: There will be a quick class meeting after registration on Monday the 20th in Leigh Anne’s room at 2:00. Please go there after you have registered for classes.
If you have any questions email Leigh Anne, Troy, or Simone.